Pre-teen, adolescent, them what you like, those years between being a child and teenager are difficult to define. Looking for age appropriate films and TV series can be be tricky too. Finding ways to fill long school holiday breaks can be even more of a challenge.
Here are our top 5 favourite films and tv series to enjoy with your tweens this half-term. Concerned about language, violence and/or inappropriate content? Common Sense Media is a great site for reviews - and it lists specific ages for appropriateness too.

Netflix is a great way to access a load of tween-friendly films. Download them on a tablet or phone to take on long journeys too. Here are a few twixt favourites:
Sugar Rush - rated PG - Time's the most important ingredient as teams race against the clock -- and each other -- to bake up the best-tasting sweets.
The Healing Powers of Dude - rated PG - When an 11-year-old boy with social anxiety disorder starts middle school, he finds strength in a scruffy emotional support dog named Dude.
Free Rein - rated PG - A 15-year-old from LA spends the summer at her mom's childhood home on an island off the coast of England, where she bonds with a mysterious horse.
Cheer - rated PG - This gripping docu-series follows the ups and downs of Navarro College's competitive cheer squad as they work to win a coveted national title.
Raising Dion - rated PG - A widowed mom sets out to solve the mystery surrounding her young son's emerging superpowers while keeping his extraordinary gifts under wraps.

TOP 5 PROGRAMMES ON AMAZON PRIME FOR TWEENS What's not to love about binging a TV series with your kids on a cold, wet February half-term day? Here are 5 twixt winners:
Nowhere Boys - rated PG - Australian drama series about four teens with nothing in common who are thrown together by mysterious events that change their lives forever.
Gortimer Gibbon's Life On Normal Street - rated PG - Life is a bit magical on Normal Street for Gortimer and his two best friends.
The Kicks - rated U - Devin Burke is in a new home, on a new football team. Based on a book series by Olympian Alex Morgan.
The Dangerous Book for Boys - rated PG - Based on the popular book with the same name, this series addresses the loss of a boy's father and his connection to his dad through a how-to-guide.
Wolfblood - rated PG - A slightly darker theme, this fantasy series blends werwolf "issues" with friendship themes.
The only criteria for this list is that the whole family can enjoy these films. So grab your duvet and pile on the sofa with some popcorn. Here are 5 twixt faves:
Jumanji- rated U -The start of this series is a classic. Based on a book about a board game gone wild. The second and third films are also amazing and target a slightly older tween
Paddington 1 - rated U - Everyone's favourite bear gets up to all sorts of adventures. A firm favourite! Psst - don't forget Paddington 2 - rated U - (Perhaps Hugh Grant's finest work?!)
Mary Poppins Returns - rated U - Mary Poppins is back to help the Banks siblings through a difficult time.
School of Rock - Rated PG - if your child has any musical interest or just likes the idea of a bit of rebellion - this is a heartwarming film about a fake substitute teacher turning school kids into a rock band.
13 going on 30 - Rated PG - Jenna longs for adulthood, but when she's magically finds herself out of junior high and in her 30s, she discovers that navigating the murky waters of the grown-up world isn't as easy as it looks.
YOUR TURN These top 5 film lists can go on and on! Chat with your kids and send us your top 5 tween friendly flicks and you could feature on our site - happy watching!
twixt is the go-to-destination for all your tween parenting questions.